Sri Lanka: 2024 Presidential Election and the way forward for the oppressed people!

Today, the question that we have been debated among the people of Sri Lanka, is what steps should be taken in the upcoming presidential Election. We, people of Sri Lanka have been witnessed 75 years of dependant political and socio-economic practice by the capitalists elites (Both Right and Left) in Sri Lanka. Now, we are facing two questions in this conjuncture. 

  1. What force will overthrow the repressive and corrupt regimes in Sri Lanka? And
  2. If it is possible, what kind of political economy will emerge in the future?

Unfortunately, it is completely irrational to think that, there will be such a change from the upcoming presidential election to be held in Sri Lanka on 21st September 2024.

This article aims to initiate a discussion on how people can be mobilized to bring about real democratic change that will bring relief to the people of Sri Lanka.

Today, the stance of all candidates and the parties running for the presidential election is to develop along the path followed and continuing in the capitalist countries. At least, they are not ready to “ask for debt cancellation” as a relief to Sri Lanka. We have emphasized that it is not possible to find solutions to the present problems of the people of Sri Lanka through their promises. 

We emphasize this because of the following historical facts.

  1. The political elites of Sri Lanka are not able to compete in the global market, or at least make a deal with them that will provide relief to the people of Sri Lanka, due to the enormous influence and power of the imperialist countries and the multinational cooperations. On the other hand, capitalist countries and financial institutions do not want to establish industries and create industrialization in Sri Lanka in a way that threatens the economic power of capitalist countries.
  2.  The second important reason is the historical political weakness of the capitalist elites who represent Sri Lanka’s national capitalist class. They have failed to wage a decisive struggle against imperialism externally and capitalist elites failed to sweep away the remnants of the local feudalism or wage a decisive struggle in the past, and they will continue to fail in the future also. The best example of this is the fact that even after seventy-five years of so-called independence and thirty years of war, it is still not possible to build a national state in Sri Lanka by accepting the right of self-determination of the Tamil-speaking people in the North and East.

We need a clear understanding of the nature of the present epoch. 

Clearly, we are not living in a pre-revolutionary situation at the present time. There is no immediate prospect of a radical change in the system of property ownership.  We have to take important and radical steps to reduce poverty and inequality, while we are still functioning within the framework of the capitalist system. That means we must have a long view of history. 

Our role today is to struggle with an internationalist vision of revolutionary politics. At least in South Asia, we should try to build and work in solidarity with a United People’s Movement of the working class, the peasantry and the remaining oppressed people.  That will end the pressing problems of the people, namely oppression, corruption and exploitation. 

Without that, there is no possibility of a real transformation through the magic of the presidential election.

 In order to shoulder this task,

we have to join hands with the workers, farmers and students who are engaged in the struggle of the people’s organizations, in the streets, in the workplaces and in the educational institutions. We must act as multiracial, multi sexual and multicultural people.

We cannot be trusted of Capitalist markets and technology to solve the current crisis facing humanity. The main problem lies in the entire system based on the accumulation of capital, its endless growth and its limitless waste.

 The entire global system has been destroyed, making it no longer suitable for human habitation due to the unlimited accumulation of capital. Therefore, we must end capitalism. Today we have only two choices; That is “destruction” or “revolution”.

We firmly state that no matter which person or party comes to power through the presidential election to be held in Sri Lanka, none of the issues or problems of the people mentioned above will be resolved. We appeal to all the oppressed people to mobilize themselves through the People’s Commune, which represents the oppressed farmers, workers, unemployed and students of all ethnic and religious groups, without waiting for this presidential election!

In this context, we request all the oppressed people to join hands to face the more difficult and repressive situation that is to come near future. And we request to build a new mass movement that focuses on the matters affecting the oppressed workers, peasants as well as national and international issues. Through such grassroots level organizations, oppressed people of all layers are required to be involved actively not only political matters but also socio-economic and cultural affairs affecting the people’s lives.

Also, such a struggle can not be sustained by the oppressed people of Sri Lanka alone. For that reason, the international support and solidarity of the global movement of the oppressed people is needed. At the very least, we should work to build a regional solidarity movement with workers, peasants and student movements in the South Asian region such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal etc.

To achieve this goal;

  • We should build a mass movement for the right of nations to self-determination, as well as against the caste system and the racism in South Asia.
  •  We should try to build a new International of the socialist organizations of the world.
  •  Furthermore, we should work to build a society with sustainable and equality through building “People’s Commune” in every village and every workplace to find solutions to the problems faced by the people today. 

We believe that the survival of humankind and the survival of the planet depend only on building such a sustainable socialist society.

 ° Our aims and roles are to remain independent of all forms of imperialist, capitalist and class collaborationist politics and political parties.

° The goal before us is uncompromising, and its purpose is to build a new world that is constructive for all living things and the environment, including humans.

By Wilfred Silva

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